Belmont BASEC at BHS – After School Care for kids!

Frequently Asked Questions – BMHS Upper School Grades 9 – 12

Is there after school on the first day of school?  

BASEC @ BMHS Upper is open on the first day of school.


How do I contact BASEC @ BMHS?

You can reach BASEC @ BHS Site Director, Brandon Heisler, at (617) 894-6717 or basec.bhs@belmontbasec.org  


I understand that the schedule is flexibile in order to meet my student’s varying weekly schedule and conflicts. How will I know when he/she/they attends BASEC @ BMHS?

At BASEC @ BMHS 9 – 12, we strive to provide three levels of communication in order to keep you informed about your student’s participation and progress.

Level 1: Conferences

If your student is attending, responsive, and meeting their academic goals, our offered mid-quarter and quarterly check-ins should be all you need to feel confident your child is thriving.

Level 2: Non-urgent progress check-ins

If we have concerns about any of the following: attendance, participation, grades, habits, general lack of response to our programming, demeanor or behavior we will reach out via email with a summary of the concern and an offered solution. This second level will be the most common and frequent form of notification.

Level 3: Urgent check-ins

The third level, and most urgent, is the level when we feel contact is needed quickly and with response for near immediate action. We will email as soon as we are able and in the subject line it will read URGENT. We will offer a summary of the specific concern, a path to a solution, and offer a meeting.


Where does my student check in?

BASEC @ BMHS is located in the High School Portion of BMHS in the TBD Room.


What happens on Early Release Days?

BASEC @ BMHS is open every day from the end of the school day until 6:00 PM, except on early school dismissals (for 23 – 24, that includes the day before Thanksgiving and the last day of school.) For the five early release days, BASEC @ BHS starts at 10:30 AM, when school is dismissed. BASEC runs on the BPS schedule.


When does my student leave BASEC @ BMHS?

Each student develops his/her/their own schedule with additional input from parents / guardians, school day teachers, and occasionally other stakeholders, such as guidance. Students are welcome to stay until 6:00 PM, when BASEC @ BMHS closes. Many students simply stay for the amount of time necessary to meet the need of that day; for example, making study plans, completing assignments, accessing resources like tutoring, creating and using study guides, and contacting school day teachers.


How do I determine what BASEC @ BMHS session my student needs:

Each session is one academic quarter and aligns with the Belmont Public School calendar. You can sign up for any combination of sessions throughout the school year to meet your student’s needs. Some families find that their students need a place to go before sports practices begin; others require a consistent, quiet workspace all year; while another student may need specific assistance for senior thesis and can choose a time of the year when his extracurricular schedule is light. Flexibility is a hallmark of the BASEC @ BMHS sessions.

We do find that setting tone for the year and developing the identity of a student that cares about his/her/their work is essential in establishing a pattern of positive and productive communication with school day teachers and getting ahead of review / introductory materials presented early in the school year as building blocks for more complex concepts.

Families can select between 3 schedule options: 4 – 5 days per week; 2 – 3 days per week; or 1 day per week. We provide different academic supports based on your schedule choice. More information is available on BASEC’s website: www.belmontbasec.org/bmhs


On which days is BASEC closed?

Monday, October 19: Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Friday, November 10: Veteran’s Day (observed). Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Wednesday, November 22: Early School Dismissal. BMHS closes at 10:30 AM. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Thursday, November 28 – Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving break. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

December 23, 2023 – January 1, 2024: Winter Recess. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Monday, January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

February 19 – 23: February Recess. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

April 15 – 19: Spring Recess. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Monday, May 27: Memorial Day. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth. Belmont Middle and High School closed. BASEC @ BMHS closed.

Last day of school (subject to change): BASEC @ BMHS closed.


Emergency Evacuation Procedures


If the Belmont High School School is evacuated, students will be relocated to the Mary Lee Burbank School, located at 266 School Street, Belmont. All parents of students who are enrolled in BASEC@BMHS on that day will be contacted by telephone and notified about the relocation. There will also be a recorded message on the program’s voicemail explaining the students’ location.


When are tuition payments due?

September 1, 2023

November 1, 2023

January 1, 2023

March 1, 2023


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