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7th-8th Grade FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions – BMHS 7th-8th Grade

Is there after school on the first day of school?

BASEC @ BMHS 7 – 8 is open on the first day of school.

How do I contact BASEC @ BHS?

You can reach BASEC @ BMHS Site Director, Brandon Heisler, at (617) 431-6686 or bmhs@belmontbasec.org

Where does my student check in?

Our central space for BASEC @ BMHS 7 – 8 is the Media Center

What if I need someone who is not on my authorized pick-up list to pick up my child?

Just give us a call or email and we will note it in our dismissal log for the day. Please ask the person picking up to have a photo ID ready to present to our staff at pick up.

What is the typical program schedule?

After School is open from 2:25 PM – 6:00 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

On Wednesdays, After School operates from 1:15 PM – 6:00 PM, and 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Early Release Wednesdays.

Sample Daily Schedule coming soon!

Students may be signed-out and picked-up at any time between the end of the school day and 6:00PM

What about other communication?

If you would like to email our Site Director, Brandon Heisler questions or concerns privately please use the email address basec.bhs@belmontbasec.org If you would like to privately email Executive Director, Andrew Mountford, please use the email address Andrew.Mountford@belmontbasec.org. The email bmhs@belmontbasec.org should be used for scheduling, absences, and other general questions.

We welcome and encourage communication from the BASEC community, parents and children alike. Please stop by and meet the staff, see how our program runs, and feel free to offer any suggestions you may have to help better our growing community!

Can my child leave on his/her/their own?

Yes they can, with your signed permission. You will notice on that the Authorization to Leave form (submitted electronically to BASEC’s database) indicates how you wish your child to leave the program.

We ask that you provide detailed information regarding unsupervised leave. Families can select from conditional or unconditional leave options. Unconditional leave options (recommended only in certain situations) allows a student to sign him/herself out at any time, by his/her/their own discretion. Conditional leave options allows families to set parameters, e.g. “after 5:00 PM” or “only after a phone call to parent”.

We have a preliminary conversation with each student authorized to sign him/herself out about our own policies, the expectations, and walking home safely.

What is an “Emergency Authorized Release?”

BASEC requires you to have at minimum one back-up person on your child’s enrollment form (submitted electronically to our database). This person should know that you have put her/him on this form and should be willing to pick up your child in an emergency (this includes your working late). This is also important for those of you who have difficulty making the 6:00 pick up time. If you do not know anyone in Belmont who can do this for you, please see Site Director, Brandon Heisler, to figure out a good match for your family.

Can my child use his or her cell phone during program hours?

Many BASEC @ BMHS students carry cell phones to school. We align our policy on phones with that of the BMHS lower school: all cell phones are to be off and put away while in the school building. If a student would like to use his/her/their phone to contact a parent or guardian, they needs to ask an after school teacher for permission to use it. We allow students to use their cell phones to contact parents and caregivers ONLY. Students should not use their cell phones to call or text friends while they are attending after school.

We do not allow video games/movies/music videos on smart phones during after school. We feel that we cannot effectively monitor usage without one-on-one supervision. We take cyber safety very seriously and have adopted this policy coming from that perspective.

If you need to reach your child, please call the BASEC @ BMHS main line: (617) 431-6686.

Is a typical Wednesday longer than other days?School will be dismissed at 1:15 PM each Wednesday. BASEC after school will begin directly following school dismissal, utilizing the same strategies as always to make the transition to after school as easy as possible for all of our students.   BASEC runs on the BPS schedule. If you’d like to download a copy of the BPS calendar, go to http://belmont.k12.ma.us. You can also see the Belmont BASEC Calendar for details.

On which days is BASEC closed?Please see the Belmont BASEC Calendar.

When are tuition payments due?

Please see the Belmont BASEC Calendar.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures


If the Belmont High School School is evacuated, students will be relocated to the Mary Lee Burbank School, located at 266 School Street, Belmont. All parents of students who are enrolled in BASEC@BHS on that day will be contacted by telephone and notified about the relocation. There will also be a recorded message on the program’s voicemail explaining the students’ location.


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