BASEC @ Burbank Tuition

Annual Tuition for Before and After School

Burbank Tuition 2024 – 2025

After School Annual Tuition Bi-Monthly Payment Average Daily Expense
5-Day $7,395.00 $1,479.00 $41.08
4-Day (incl. Wednesdays and Early Release) $6,435.00 $1,287.00 $44.69
4-Day (schedule with no Wednesdays) $5,795.00 $1,159.00 $40.24
3-Day (incl. Wednesdays and Early Release) $5,395.00 $1,079.00 $49.95
3-Day (schedule with no Wednesdays) $4,725.00 $945.00 $43.75
2-Day (incl. Wednesdays and Early Release) $4,390.00 $878.00 $60.97
2-Day (schedule with no Wednesdays) $3,650.00 $730.00 $50.69
1-Day (Wednesday) $3,350.00 $670.00 $93.06
1-Day (M, T, Th or F) $2,420.00 $484.00 $67.22


Before School Annual Tuition Bi-Monthly Payment Average Daily Expense
5-Day per week $2,940.00 $588.00 $16.33
4-Day per week $2,565.00 $513.00 $17.81
3-Day per week $2,085.00 $417.00 $19.31
2-Day per week $1,535.00 $307.00 $21.32
1-Day per week $1,060.00 $212.00 $29.44

Pay Tuition Now!BASEC a non-profit, mission-driven organization and is dedicated to providing high-quality and specialty services like inclusion, academic support, and social-emotional learning to our community. We believe in paying living wages and benefits — not just because it’s the right thing to do — but because our community and students benefit tremendously from the talent and skills that these experts bring to BASEC.

We also make use of economies of scale, key partnerships, and strong financial management to offer the depth and quality of programming.

While charged annually and billed bi-monthly, our parents consistently comment that daily and hourly rate for out-of-school time programming is an excellent value for tangible returns.

About Tuition Deposit

The tuition deposit ($300 for Burbank) is required at registration and is a part of BASEC annual tuition. The tuition deposit is non-refundable. The tuition deposit will be applied to the final tuition payment (May 10 for before and after school tuition).

Withdrawing from BASEC programming forfeits the tuition deposit.

About Tuition Assistance

Please visit our Pay Tuition page for BASEC’s Tuition Assistance policy.

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