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Planner Pals (Gr 4-6)

in: Chenery on: Monday
meets: 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/28
time: 3:30pm-4:30pm

This hands-on workshop is designed to help kids conquer their week. We’ll ditch the chaos and learn how to become super organizers with our very own planners. A planner can act as a second brain, clearing up space for your first brain to be more present! With a decluttered mind, you may even find that you can be more creative and get better sleep! In this workshop, we will learn how to build a weekly plan and explore cool tools and tricks to map out activities, homework, and even downtime (because that’s important too!). We’ll focus on time blocking, which is like giving each part of your day a special job. This isn’t just about getting things done; it’s about making time for everything you want to do. So, if you’re ready to make Mondays (and the rest of the week) intentional and productive, come join the Planner Pals!

*Please note that this workshop will run for 8 weeks.

Grades: 4-6

Instructor: Ishita Shailesh, BASEC @ Chenery Educator

Student enrolled in BASEC on Mondays- $29
Student enrolled in BASEC but does not attend on Mondays – $240
Student not enrolled in BASEC – $240 + $95 (this is a one time fee for the school year) = $335