BASEC Summer Camp Behavior Management Guidelines

BASEC’s core philosophy, which informs everything we do, is that children come first. We are committed to inclusiveness, and to balancing the needs of the individual with the well-being of the group as a whole.

We respect each child’s unique needs and interests and background and capabilities, and we are committed to the principle that all children have something to contribute to their community. BASEC understands the varied requirements of children of different ages and stages of development, and we embrace that diversity as the foundation for each program’s curriculum.

The objective of BASEC’s behavior management policy is to ensure a respectful, safe, comfortable and nurturing environment for all of the children enrolled in the program. BASEC’s behavior management approach is based on the belief that all children in the program will:

  • Recognize responsibility for appropriate behavior and demonstrate concern for their own safety and that of others;
  • Accept responsibility for their behavior and for the consequences of behavior that disregards or endangers the safety of others;
  • Respect the rights and property of others;
  • Show proper courtesy and respect for other children and adults;
  • Display appropriate manners.

Specific Positive Praise and The Nurtured Heart Approach

BASEC teachers utilize the following behavior management strategies in all aspects of our programming:

  • Using a calm, nurturing voice;
  • Setting clear expectations that students understand;
  • Conveying emotional support: “I believe you can do this!”
  • Remaining consistent in teacher-student interactions;
  • Delivering specific, authentic, positive feedback for behaviors that contribute to the BASEC community.

We have seen time and again how this approach serves as a model for all students and greatly contributes to the learning community that we strive to foster.

Behavioral Guidelines for Students

The following general rules of behavior pertain to all students enrolled in BASEC programs. BASEC expects students to:

  • Be courteous to others;
  • Ask for help from a teacher when having a problem or a disagreement;
  • Use the program’s equipment properly and share with others;
  • Clean up after themselves; and
  • Respect the school’s property and the privacy of the school’s neighbors.

Conflict Resolution

To foster growth and independence, BASEC teachers encourage children to try to resolve conflicts with peers through staff-directed group meetings, small group sessions, and private conferences. When appropriate, a teacher will intervene and assist children in reaching a resolution. BASEC teachers begin this intervention by asking each student involved to give his or her account of the conflict. Teachers then identify the choices that each child has made, so that he/she will be aware of his/her own actions. Teachers then model the choices that shouldhave been made, and help the students come up with a solution that is fair and appropriate for everyone involved.

Under certain circumstances, additional action may be appropriate, such as working with a student individually to discuss his/her choices, and/or implementing consequences or a behavior management plan.

Behavioral Consequences

When consequences must be applied, BASEC’s policy is to have any actions taken relate as directly as possible to the specific behavior being addressed. Consequences for inappropriate behavior may include:

  • Not permitting a student to participate in a planned activity;
  • Requiring the student to spend time apart from other children, in the company of an adult, to think and talk about alternative behaviors and/or regain control of his or her body and/or emotions;
  • Requiring a student (and/or his or her parents or guardians) to repair or replace property damaged by the child;
  • Reporting inappropriate behavior by telephone or in person to the student’s parent or guardian and working with the responsible adult(s) to identify and implement appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the child and other members of the community. This may include requesting that the parent picks up the student from BASEC camp for the day.
  • If behavior management strategies implemented on site are ineffective and inappropriate or dangerous behavior persists, a student will be asked to leave BASEC Camp for the session. BASEC is unable to consistently provide one-on-one teacher supervision for students who cannot effectively and safely participate in our group programming.


BASEC teachers will inform a student’s parents or guardians of persistent behavior problems. We request and appreciate the cooperation and assistance of parents or guardians in helping us to address and correct persistent or severe behavioral issues. In conjunction with this, we encourage parents/guardians to inform the BASEC Site Director, Operations Director, or Executive Director of any outside behavioral problems, family issues, or other areas of concern that may affect their child’s behavior in the BASEC program.

No BASEC student under any circumstances will ever be subjected to abuse, neglect, cruel, unusual, severe, or corporal punishment, including any type of physical hitting inflicted in any manner upon the body; punishments that subject the student to verbal abuse, threatening language or actions, ridicule or humiliation; denial of food, rest or bathroom facilities; punishment for soiling, wetting or not using the toilet; or punishment related to eating or not eating food.

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