Registration for the 2024 – 2025 school year is now open!
Please use the registration link below to sign up for the appropriate program. Please enter your child’s grade for the 24 – 25 school year.
Other Helpful Information
Vacation Programs
For more information and online registration for our Summer, February and April vacation programs click here.
Tuition Payments
You can also pay your tuition online.
Tuition Assistance
Find out more about tuition vouchers.
Find more information about BASEC’s tuition assistance.
About Registration Fee
BASEC is now Registration Fee-Free!
About Tuition Deposit
The tuition deposit ($300 for Burbank, Green Meadow, Fowler, and BMHS 7-8; $350 for Chenery; and $25 per summer camp week) is required at registration and is a part of the annual tuition. This non-refundable fee is applied to your final tuition payment (May 10 for before and after school tuition; June 15 for summer tuition).
Withdrawing from BASEC programming forfeits the tuition deposit.
About Schedule Changes
Once registered, your student’s schedule is set for the start of the school year. Because many factors of our operations are tied closely to our enrollment, we open one window of time for the year (January 1 – January 31) for schedule changes that reduce the number of days that a student attends. During that January change period, you may reduce the number of days your child attends without fee (please keep in mind that withdrawing from the program completely still forfeits the tuition deposit left at registration).
Because we value being as flexible as possible, schedule changes outside of the January change period are permissible, but are subject to the following conditions:
- Reductions in schedule are subject to a $100 schedule change fee
- “Lateral” changes or additions to schedule require sufficient space in the program and staff ratio compatibility
Please contact Andrew Mountford for more information about this policy.