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Tuition Vouchers

Massachusetts’ Department of Early Education and Care’s Voucher Program

About Tuition Vouchers

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts voucher program, administered locally in Belmont by Community Care for Kids (617-657-5305) and in Maynard by Seven Hills (617-657-5305), provides subsidies for out-of-school time tuition costs for qualified families.

Tuition vouchers are excellent resources for families to meet Before School, After School, and Vacation Camp needs. The Commonwealth has increased funding to this resource through the Department of Early Education and Care, in order to meet the needs of more families, eliminate long waiting lists, and provide substantial subsidies. BASEC strongly recommends this valuable resource, to the extent that we make initiating a voucher application a required step in applying for BASEC Tuition Assistance.

Using Tuition Vouchers at BASEC

If your family has a voucher and you would like to register for BASEC programming, please email andrew.mountford@belmontbasec.org or the Site Director for the program at which you are looking to register. BASEC does not require any tuition deposit for families with vouchers; instead, email us to get a hard copy of the registration form. Following the receipt of our registration form, BASEC will assist you in matching your voucher to BASEC, using the EEC’s Confirmation of Provider form.

EEC Excessive Absence Policy and BASEC Counsel

Current EEC policy maintains that excessive unexplained absences may lead to the termination of a voucher. The EEC defines excessive absences as 30 consecutive absences or 45 absences across the length of the authorization. When a family nears this number of absences, BASEC reaches out with an email to counsel the family about communication to their voucher counselor and/or taking any additional steps.

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